mobility and wellness
dblTilde CORE is a nonprofit whose mission is to advance knowledge about and planning for sustainable mobility and wellness in communities through outreach, research, and education.
Through our work, we encourage people to remain physically active through walking and bicycling and using transit as they age in order to maintain wellness and a solid quality of life. Our work informs planners, engineers, public health professionals, advocates, and policy makers, and journalists in achieving our vision.
What’s New?
We are pleased to welcome new board member Trey Hahn who recently relocated to the US from Amsterdam.
See About us for more information about Trey’s work on capturing cycling experiences.
We are saying good-bye to Peter Harkness, with a heart-felt Thank you for serving on the board for nearly three years.
50+ Cycling Survey, Year 5: Podcast
Listen to the Podcast about the 50+ Cycling Survey, Year 5. The, continue listening as Ron Kadota, Chair of the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee joins the podcast to talk about his experience teaching older adults to cycle with Click here to listen to the program (note that the conversation about the survey begins at 22:30 minutes).
Reminder: The survey is open until early 2025, so take it now, share the link with friends and family, and promote it more broadly. Use this link for the survey:
Partnership with the Mineta Transportation Institute continues
MTI has now republished two short articles from dblTilde CORE: One on Cycling and Nature, and one on how older adults experience active mobility infrastructure. MIT is also supporting the Year 5 survey and will publish its results in the fall 2025.

Advancing knowledge about and planning for sustainable mobility and wellness in communities through outreach, research, and education.
Each community’s transportation system comprised of networks by mode effectively and safely serves the mobility needs of every person every day.
What we do
Through community outreach, research, and education, we strive to encourage people to remain physically active through walking and bicycling and using transit as they age in order to maintain wellness and a solid quality of life. Our work informs planners, engineers, public health professionals, advocates, and policy makers, and journalists in achieving our vision.